Beyond the Bargains: Exploring the Impact of Black Friday on European Small Businesses

Beyond the Bargains: Exploring the Impact of Black Friday on European Small Businesses

Alright, my fabulous comrades of the vintage jewellery revolution!  Gather 'round and let's dive headfirst into the chaotic world of Black Friday sales in Europe.  As the proud owner of My Golden Finds, a small business that brings you the most exquisite vintage and antique jewellery treasures known to humanity, I found myself facing a dilemma.  Should I hop on this Black Friday bandwagon or stick to my principles like a stubborn unicorn (I’m Scottish, Google our national animal)?  Let's unravel this retail madness together.


To Sale or Not to Sale:

Imagine me, standing majestically at the crossroads of capitalism, pondering whether to embrace or reject this retail frenzy called Black Friday.  As someone who champions sustainable consumption and curates’ unique vintage pieces like they're magical unicorns themselves, I had my reservations about participating.  But then again... who can resist an opportunity for some good old-fashioned bargain hunting?   

Pros of Taking Part: 

  1. Shining in the Spotlight:

One undeniable perk is that joining forces with Black Friday puts small businesses like mine under those bright retail spotlights.  Suddenly, people who may have never stumbled upon our venture are flocking in droves (okay, maybe not quite droves but a lass can dream) to see what hidden treasures we have waiting for them. 

  1. Luring New Adventurers:

Ahh...the irresistible allure of discounted prices!  During Black Friday madness, customers become more adventurous souls willing to try out new brands—like mine!  If I can entice a few customers away from fast-fashion brands and on the road to a more sustainable shop, that can never be a bad thing.

  1. Clearing Out & Cashing In:

Let's face it—we all have that dusty corner in our inventory where forgotten treasures just haven’t found their forever home yet.  Participating in Black Friday gives me the chance to rehome those forgotten beauties, making room for fresh finds.


Considerations & Challenges:

  1. Profit Margins:

Now, let's address the elephant in the room—discounts can be as tricky as untangling earphones after they've been sitting at the bottom of your bag for a week (yes, I still use wired headphones, I’m vintage through and through!)
While we want to entice customers with irresistible deals, we also need to ensure our profit margins don't take a complete nose-dive.  Striking that balance between attracting customers and staying financially sustainable is key—like walking on a beautifully precarious tightrope.

  1. Brand Perception:

Some folk associate Black Friday with cheaply-made, mass-produced products flying off shelves faster than you can say "bin it."  As a purveyor of vintage jewellery, it's crucial for me to communicate the value and authenticity of our pieces—emphasising their timeless appeal and superior craftsmanship that stands tall amidst this retail frenzy.  We're not just selling trinkets; we're offering wearable pieces of history to treasure for decades to come.  The last thing I want to do is cheapen my brand.

  1. Ethical Musings:

Amidst all this shopping madness, let's not forget our ethical compass!  As a responsible seller of vintage jewellery, I must maintain transparency about sourcing practices and promote sustainable consumption habits.  Encouraging customers to invest in pieces that hold both sentimental and financial value is like giving them an heirloom time machine—a win-win situation!



I did Black Friday! and I’ll ruddy well do it again.

In this ever-changing world, where consumerism reigns supreme and trends come and go faster than you can say "fashion faux pas," it becomes crucial for small businesses like mine to adapt without compromising our values.  

I came to the conclusion that it's all about balance - My discounts were modest (15% off), but hopefully enough to keep consumers satisfied while also ensuring my bottom line remained relatively happy.  Moreover, I hope that my Black Friday offering swayed a few buyers away from the allure of fast fashion and encouraged them to invest in a more sustainable Black Friday experience.

So that’s us, hopefully showing that Black Friday doesn't have to be solely about mindless consumption; it can also be an opportunity for conscious shopping and supporting small businesses like mine.  




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